Thursday, July 7, 2011

Paranormal happenings

Okay Alexandra, for the picture in the jail, can you please prep your hands with black nail polish, maybe a little raggedy, like Catholine’s hand would look like, and wear the Claddagh ring and maybe another one that would fit the theme?
Something paranormal happened in our house last night. Dad brought home flowers and chocolate for our 20th anniversary and before we went to the seafood restaurant, I put the chocolates on a shelf in the pantry. Totally sure of it. When we came back they were gone, the whole bag was missing. We all searched. This morning I found a few pieces on the pantry floor and the bag on the table, I know, maybe Dad found them, but the weird thing was that they were gone from the shelf while we were out of the house…
So we’re doing the Bruce Tango event tomorrow night, then Jim Thorpe, PA on Sunday. In between those two days I have my writers’ group meeting, and guess what the guest speaker ( a published paranormal author) will talk about: the dangers of researching paranormal stuff for your novel… I mean that’s just freaky. I think the chocolate incident was an advanced warning.
Are you spooked yet? Love,  Mom

ummm.... was it the dog?
oh yeah! Happy Anniversary lol totally forgot lol
i took an online mental health screening for the school counseling center and it told me I have symptoms indicating bipolar disorder....hahahahahahaha i knew i was nuts

Most mental health screenings come out whacked, but do you think you need help? You can ask for free counseling, you know. Mom

no i dont think i need help

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